If your business is time or resource poor or looking to bring fresh ideas and a new perspective into your workplace - then it may be time to consider engaging with students from Deakin University.
Opportunities are typically offered to penultimate or final year students as a credit toward their degree. Students must also complete assessment tasks, which explore and recognise their understanding and interpretation of the work opportunity they have experienced.
Business Development Clinic
The Deakin Business Development Clinic offers the expertise and practical tools you need to stay ahead and secure your business’s future.
Ensure your hard work delivers lasting results. This initiative, led by university students and supported by experienced business professionals, is designed to help small and medium enterprises strengthen their performance. Built on the proven 7 Levers of Business framework, the clinic supports participating businesses in gaining clearer insights into their operations and identifying practical strategies for improvement
This program is a great fit for small business owners who are looking for support, new ideas, or guidance to take their business to the next level—all while contributing to student learning and community development.
To participate in this unique consulting opportunity, you will need to be available to:
- Attend a pre-set 90-minute session to meet your student consultants.
- Be available over 4–5 weeks for mutually beneficial calls and email correspondence with the student consultants.
- Attend a 30-minute final pitch presentation.
The Business School often seeks businesses to be part of the program.
Contact the Deakin Business School to register your interest for the upcoming intakes and find out more.
Australian Business Consultancy Program
The Australian Business Consultancy Program (ABC) program is a trimester-based program involves students working in small consultancy teams to explore and develop a strategy in response to a specific business problem.
Guided by an industry program leader, participants liaise with a client to understand the nature of the problem, their requirements, and capabilities before developing and delivering a final report and presentation of recommended strategies.
Further Information
For business enquiries and expression of interest for future intakes, please make contact with the Investment and Economic Development Unit on business@whitehorse.vic.gov.au.
Deakin Business School have a range of internship programs and opportunities for businesses to be involved with, contact bl-wil@deakin.edu.au for more information.
For more information, view Work Integrated Learning through Deakin University.